Thought leadership the Lived Experience way.
You want to know how to engage lived experience? Listen to the experts.

Stand up even when your voice shakes
Read our wrap up from our recent advocacy with Suicide Prevention Australia.

2022 Causes of Death data release
Today we reflect on the data representing the number of suicide deaths in 2022.

Lived experience leadership and Suicide Prevention Australia
CriticLE are calling on constitutional changes at SPA to embed lived experience leadership in the peak body.

Diversity and inclusion in Lived Experience or exclusion and lateral violence against the most vulnerable
Presentation text from advocate Graeme Holdsworth, delivered at the National Suicide Prevention Conference 2023 in Canberra, Australia.

What does AI argue when it comes to lived experience in suicide prevention?
We put AI to the test to see what it thinks about lived experience participation.

Grey literature in suicide research and practice
This post comes from a presentation Hayley gave at a workshop for researchers. It highlights the need to look broader than the research world for how we prevent suicide.

Doing it your way, beating imposter syndrome
You can minimise feeling inadequate in your advocacy and build a public profile easily with the right tools at hand.

No more engagement. New ways of working.
Participation and engagement are OUT, read why it is now time to turn to partnership models of involvement for people with lived experience in suicide prevention.

Censorship of lived experience of suicide
People with lived experience are told how to tell their stories but this only marginalises those whose stories do not fit the mould.

Lived experience in leadership: the hard slog
A call to action for systemic change and power sharing in suicide prevention.

ProfessionaLE: Joining a board of directors
It can be challenging to join a board of directors as a person with lived experience but we had a chat with someone who has taken on the challenge and won.
Defining lived experience of suicide
Excerpt from presentation delivered at the Mental Health Academy Super Summit 2022 discussing some of the issues in defining lived experience.

Using your lived experience in peer roles
A wrap up of our peer work ProfessionaLE chat with Lindy Zillman

World Suicide Prevention ‘Done’
I normally get excited about World Suicide Prevention Day, but today I am ‘done’ with talking about suicide.

Presenting your lived experience at conferences
Our first ProfessionaLE Session was a great success. Learn about it here and watch the recording!

Risky business: Let’s talk about trigger warnings
Trigger warnings are so common in suicide prevention but are they doing more harm than good?

Re-imagining suicide prevention : Bringing lived experience to the front.
How do we know what we know about suicide? Who publishes and has control of what we know? It is time we thought critically and challenged the dominant perspectives in suicide prevention.

ProfessionaLE Launch!
News about the launch of a new series of discussions on professionalising your lived experience.

What is it all about? Better engagement!
Lived experience engagement, its more than a tick in the box.