Upcoming events.

Public Consultation: Changes to Suicide Prevention Australia Constitution
CriticLE have proposed two key changes to the SPA Constitution to better include people with lived experience. Join us to find out more.

Lived experience of suicide advocate breakfast + networking: Perth Edition
Lived experience advocacy and work can be an isolating experience. Come and meet others doing similar work in suicide prevention!

Lived Experience Over Lunch: Writing from lived experience
Have you ever considered publishing your lived experience? Maybe you have wanted to write your memoirs or a short story for a collection of lived experience stories. Join us for a presentation and Q&A from three people who have taken up the pen from their lived experience, moderated by CriticLE's Hayley Purdon. Hear from:
- Kerrie Atherton, Author and Counsellor - Finding HOPE on the pages of a book
- John Milham, Coach and LE Advocate
Bring your lunch (or mid-morning snack for our Western Australian friends!) and let's start a conversation about writing and publishing from lived experience.
Sign up here: www.eventbrite.com/e/lived-experience-over-lunch-writing-from-lived-experience-tickets-531359118427

ProfessionaLE: Starting a suicide prevention community event
Take your lived experience advocacy to the next level and join us to chat about starting and running a suicide prevention community event.

ProfessionaLE: Joining a board of directors
Take your lived experience advocacy to the next level and join us to chat about joining the board of directors to influence strategy.

ProfessionaLE: Working in peer work roles
Take your lived experience advocacy to the next level and join us to chat about using your lived experience in peer work roles.

ProfessionaLE: Presenting at Conferences
Take your lived experience advocacy to the next level and join us to chat about presenting your message at professional conferences.