Who we are
Hayley Purdon
As a suicide attempt survivor and carer, Hayley has been an active advocate for people with a lived experience of suicide for the last 10 years. She has been engaged as a lived experience advisor across multiple organisations such as Lifeline, Black Dog Institute and Roses in the Ocean and has been engaged on many different projects including the National Suicide Prevention Trials Evaluation Steering Committee.
After becoming frustrated with the lack of critical reflection within the lived experience movement, Hayley started CriticLE to promote better engagement of people with lived experience in suicide prevention through open dialogue and critical perspectives.
Hayley holds an undergraduate degree in psychology, postgraduate qualifications in applied data analytics, aviation human factors and suicidology and is currently undertaking a PhD to uncover what engagement has looked like and what is needed to embed lived experience in suicide prevention at all levels.
Her main job is as a technical officer in the Commonwealth Public Service.
For self-care, Hayley spends time thinking deeply with her cat and dog on her lap.
Lived Experience Family
This work is not possible without the diverse group of people that make up those with a lived experience.
These voices contribute to what we know about suicide prevention and without their voices, our efforts at suicide prevention would fail.
The lived experience family is strong, connected and motivated for change in the sector.
Lived Experience Allies
Positive and effective engagement with lived experience could not occur without allies in the sector. Sometimes these professionals and academics work in lived experience related roles but often they are just compassionate people who are willing to listen.
Without the allies of lived experience, we would have a difficult road ahead. They are intergral to the work we do at CriticLE.