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ProfessionaLE: Working in peer work roles

Some people say that they would like to use their lived experience to connect and support others who may be experiencing suicidal distress. This distress may be as a result of their own experiences with thoughts of suicide, bereavement or because they may care for someone else.

One way those with a lived experience of suicide can connect with others is through Peer Work or as a Peer Care Companion. In suicide prevention having a lived experience of suicide, is recognised as an important part of what can contribute to being an effective Peer Worker/Peer Care Companion. Being able to you draw on your own experience of suicide can help to create an environment of shared experience and empower someone else to cope in a similar situation.

Join Hayley as she chats with Lindy Zillman about her experience as a Peer Care Companion and Peer Mentor in the area of suicide prevention. In an informal Q&A style session, we will be chatting about building the skills you need for Peer Work that has a Peer Approach and what this can look like. We will also be talking about the importance of self care, self insight and wellbeing in these working environments.

If you have ever wondered what it is like to support others who experience suicide one on one, this may be a session is for you.

Sign up here:

25 August

ProfessionaLE: Presenting at Conferences

20 October

ProfessionaLE: Joining a board of directors