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Public Consultation: Changes to Suicide Prevention Australia Constitution

Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) is the peak body representing suicide prevention organisations, people with lived experience and people who are passionate about suicide prevention. Although they state that "lived experience is central to everything we do", they are yet to make any public displays of prioritising lived experience leadership within the organisation.

Further, there is a clause within the constitution that actively discriminates against people with lived experience and prevents them from making a key decision within the organisation, namely the appointment of directors. In this, people with lived experience have no say over the people who are elected to represent their view within Suicide Prevention Australia, the peak body supposed to represent those with an interest in suicide prevention.

CriticLE have proposed two key changes to the SPA constitution.

1: We are calling for support to remove clause 2.1 (b) that restricts voting for directors to organisational members only.

2: We are calling for SPA to add a clause that requires the election of at least one board member who is a lived experience leader.

In this public consultation, you can share your thoughts with us on these changes and help us shape the final wording of our submission for a special resolution.

Sign up for the zoom link here:

To read more about the case for change and the specific details of the proposal, visit this page:

12 August

Lived experience of suicide advocate breakfast + networking: Perth Edition