Introducing John Milham
After a successful 25 year career in corporate IT was interrupted 15 years ago by personal tragedy, john found himself alone for the first time since he met his wife in a year 11 High School English class. He was now a widowed father of 3 young kids feeling completely lost and with a desperate need to uncover new ways to operate daily life and manage the challenges of life and work while no longer having an identity that worked.
Embracing this new reality meant l eaving escaping the corporate world and starting a path of exploration, seeking understanding, growth and development.
It also led to tackling head on, the truth of his depression, grief, suicidal ideation and general anxiety disorder.
The answer he found was to completely change direction and career with massive personal growth and transformation. This involved studying, thousands of hours of research, getting qualifications in coaching, mentoring, training and mental health and this ended up lighting a fire of passion for service to others.
He has e merged from this journey with a mission to help and empower others in community to build capability and strength for managing the inevitable transitions and transformations of life.
For over 10 years john has volunteered and worked for the community with organizations and groups working and taking action on the ground, helping to build awareness and more importantly building agency at the source and where it can make a big difference, among the everyday lives of our folks.
John is currently focusing on preventing Men’s suicide through teaching and promoting personal development, realigning an understanding of Men’s role and advocating connection through peer support and lived experience programs operating wherever men gather day to day.
John lives in Sydney's northern beaches, and works with a range of organisations including Standby National, Raise Foundation, Wesley and Mentoring M en while being heavily involved in suicide prevention locally focused on working with men’s wellbeing group Northern Beaches Men and chairing Northern Beaches Cares, a Wesley National Suicide Prevention Network Group.
In addition to joining us for our Lived Experience Over Lunch session on writing from lived experience, you can hear about John’s story on these podcasts:
The Grief Code https://thegriefcode.captivate.fm/episode/the-ripple-effect-of-a-mans-positive-energy-with-john-milham/
Kintsugi Heroes https://podcast.kintsugiheroes.com.au/2032959